Engleza, întrebare adresată de mateipodani, 8 ani în urmă

I need a 150 words Christmas Story pls​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mama80


I was about 8 years old and my cousin was 5 years old.

It was Christmas Eve, our parents called us to come because Santa Claus had arrived.

My mother asked us to each say a poem to Santa Claus.

My cousin said the first poem, when it was my turn I sat down on Santa's leg. I looked down with emotion and noticed that Santa Claus was wearing my grandfather's slippers. That's how we found out that there is no Santa Claus visiting children at home.


Aveam vreo 8 ani si verisoara mea 5 ani.

Era seara de Craciun parinti nostri ne-au chemat sa venim ca a sosit Mos Craciun.

Mama ne a rugat sa spuem fiecare cate o poiezie lui Mos Craciun.

Verioara mea a spus prima poezia, cand a venit randul meu m-am asezat pe piciorul lui Mos Craciun. De emotii m-am uitat in jos si am observat ca Mos Craciun avea in picioare papuci bunicului meu. Asa am aflat noi ca nu exista Mos Craciun care viziteaza copii acasa.


hammy61: they called us to come?
hammy61: nu suna corect
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