Engleza, întrebare adresată de cebaniana07, 7 ani în urmă

I turned eleven last month and I had a great birthday party. My mother and my sister decorated the living room with colourful balloons and ribbons. My father prepared some interesting games for us to play. My friends brought presents and wished me "Happy Birthday!" We played games, listened to music and had a lot of fun. Suddenly, the door opened and, well, I could not believe my eyes. My favourite cartoon character came in with a cake. Găsiți toate verbele la trecut din text,urgent dau coroana​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de samm00


turned,had,decorated, prepared,brought,wished,played,listened,had,opened,could,came

cebaniana07: ms
samm00: np
cebaniana07: mai am si a doua parte
samm00: cu aceeasi cerință?
cebaniana07: da
samm00: daca vrei te ajut si la aia
cebaniana07: ok
cebaniana07: acus o postez si pe acea
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