Engleza, întrebare adresată de obodo, 9 ani în urmă

i' ve got( little) money......you but I don' t mind.chinese is ( difficult) language in the world.valencia played( bad) yesterday......last week.cats are not ( intelligent) as dogs. I think you must tell me ( good) way to do it,or it will take me ages to finish. My sister Anne had a ( tidy) room........me,but was always having arguments with everybody. Who is ( talkative) person in class?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MrsAnca
I' ve got LITTLE money......you but I don' t mind. chineese is THE MOST difficult language in the world. valencia played WORSE yesterday.THAN.....last week.cats arenot AS intelligent as dogs. I think you must tell me A BETTER way to do it,or it will take me ages to finish. My sister Anne had a  tidIER room..THAN......me,but was always having arguments with everybody. Who is THE MOST talkative person in class?

MrsAnca: si o informatie,nu exista limba chineza.In China se vorbeste oficialmandarina sau cantoneza,aceleasi dialete se folosesc in tot orientul indepartat .Desi dialectele sunt complet diferite scrisul e acelasi.Ideogramele sunt aceleasi asa ca cei care vorbesc mandarina nu inteleg cantoneza dar se pot intelege unii cu altii prin scris .In china mai exista si alte dialecte in functie de zona ,dar acelea nu sunt oficiale
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