Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariadumbrava3163, 8 ani în urmă

I.Write sentences, using the tense given. Add any words you need.

1. She – often - shop - at Macy's (present simple)

2. We - watch TV – when
at was advertised in the nev,
we - hear – bad news (past)
3. I – not go – out - in the rain (conditional 2)
4. I – find
my briefcase – this morning (present perfect simple
5. My sister - get married – next Sunday (present progressive)
sun in Spain (LIE)
6. I - never – think – about it - before (past perfect simple)
7. I - prepare – for the test – since Monday (present perfect progressive)
8. You - ride - a camel – in Egypt? (past simple)
9. I – think – I – stay - at home. (future)
10.1 - not apologise -- to him (conditional 1)
11. After - I - hear - noise - I - go - out (past simple, past perfect simple)
12. Where – he - go? (present perfect simple)
13.1 - cannot - visit you – last week (past simple)
14.How often - you go
to the dentist - last year? (past simple)
15.Breakfast - not serve
after 11 o'clock (present simple)
16.She - play – this game - over an hour (present perfect progressive)
17. You - know – where - my shoes - be? (present simple)
18.1 - work - in the garden - whole afternoon (past progressive)

ajutor!!! e urgent... nu trec clasa daca nu le rezolv... dau fundita! ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MadalinRica


Its so much to resolve this !!!

mariadumbrava3163: te rog...
mariadumbrava3163: please
MadalinRica: nu o rezolv pt ca e prea mult de scris si raspunsul valoreaza doar 5 pct
mariadumbrava3163: ti rog
mariadumbrava3163: tu o sa fii motivul pentru care eu nu trec clasa...
mariadumbrava3163: poti sa ai asta pe constiinta?
MadalinRica: ce
MadalinRica: nu nu pot
mariadumbrava3163: te rog frumos
mariadumbrava3163: macar o parte din ele
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