Engleza, întrebare adresată de BiancaMaria, 10 ani în urmă

Identify the error in each sentence,correct it and translate: 1.Coffee is important crop in Brazil. 2. I have less opportunities for practice than other
students in my class. 3. The surrounding world affects us in more or less direct way. 4. Every students like to have a quiet place to study. 5. She bought many new furniture for her room. 6. The homeworks we had yesterday tokk us a very long time. 7. That pair of gloves belong to my sister. 8. He bought a new pants last week. 9. Rainy day and Monday morning make me upset. 10. They don't have much possibilities for promotion.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de feelicosth
1. an important crop ( Cafeaua este o cultura importanta in Brazilia )
3. a more ( Mediul inconjurator/Lumea inconjuratoare ne afecteaza mai mult sau mai putin in mod direct )
2.to practice/ for practicing ( Am mai putine oportunitati pentru a exersa decat alti studenti din clasa mea )
4. student likes ( Fiecarui student ii place sa aiba un loc linistit in care sa invete/studieze )
5.fara many ( A cumparat mobila noua pentru camera ei ) 
6. homework fara s, acolo cred ca era took ( Tema pe care am avut-o ieri ne-a luat foarte mult timp/ a durat foarte mult timp )
7.belongs *cred* ( Acea pereche de manusi apartine surorii mele)
8.pair of pants ( El a cumparat o noua pereche de pantaloni saptamana trecuta )
9. days respectiv mornings, are making ( Zilele ploioase si diminetile de luni ma indispun )
10.more possibillities ( Ei nu au multe posibilitati pentru promovare )
Daca am mai gresit, imi cer scuze :)

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