Engleza, întrebare adresată de GaviDeni, 8 ani în urmă


Fill the correct form of the verb in brackets!

1- If Anne's father gets seriously ill, they ......... (BRING) him to hospital.

2- If I ...... (BE) you I would pay more attention in class.

3- They ..... (NOT GO) out if they don't get a babysitter.

4- The manager would have fired him if he ..... (HAVE) someone else to replace him.

5- I ...... (LIKE) her more if she hadn't asked such stupid questions.

6- If you ....... (NOT KNOCK) they won't let you in.

7- If I had missed the bus, I ...... (TAKE) a taxi.

8- We will visit the sports centre tomorrow unless it ..... (Rain)

9- I would have helped him if I ..... (KNOW) that his condition was so bad.

10- He ..... (NOT GO) to the course if it were not so interesting.

11- I ..... (CALL) if I had had his mobile number.

12- If I .... (WIN) in the lottery I would go on an extended Vacantion.

13- If I ....... (NOT BE) careful, he would have lost his job.

14- ....... (SHE STAY) at home if I asked her to?

15- If her daughter ..... (WORK) harder she would pass the exam.

16- If the French lessons had been more interesting, Mary ........ (NOT ATTEND) a different school.

17- He wouldn't have been so happy if he .... (NOT HAVE) such a good life.

18- If I were a millionaire I ...... (STOP) working at once.

19- If you ..... (MARRY) Peter, you would be happier.

20- I ...... (GIVE) you the news as soon as I get it.

Mi-ar trebui pana maine va rog! Merci!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Camye

1)will bring


3)won’t go


5)would have liked

6)didn’t knock

7)would have to taken

8) rains

9)had known

10)he wouldn’t gwere not

14)would she stay

15) worked

11)would have called


13)were not

16)wouldn’t have attended


18)would stop


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