Engleza, întrebare adresată de dogaruilie1234, 8 ani în urmă

If it .............(snow),I ll take the children skiing.
The football match will be cancelled if it............(rain)
I won t go to the party unless Connie .............. (come)with me .
If you .............(run) fast, you will win the race.
Unless they............(work)overtime,they won t earn enough money to go on holiday.
......................(Greg/post)this letter for me if I ask him?
Unless you ..................(drive) carefully,you ll have an accident.
If someone ...........(not/water)these plants ,they will die.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Vintage20021

Snow,rains,come,run,works, drive, not water

Alte întrebări interesante