Engleza, întrebare adresată de vinipuh0o, 9 ani în urmă

II. Fill in the gaps with the
suitable articles and preposition. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Choose the correct word from those given in brackets.           

In summertime, off ________________
eastern coast of Canada near Newfoundland, humpback whales gather in large groups,
or "schools" as they are called often "singing" to each
other and making jumps out of the water. However, if you (to be)
___________________________ a humpback whale, you would have a problem. Today
these playful and friendly whales (to catch) ___________________________ in the
nets of fishermen who would prefer to save them if they could.

Jon Lien and his assistants have been
helping to free whales ___________________________ nets since 1998. More than
600 whales (to release) ___________________________up to now. In an interview
Jon stated that recently our government (to agree) ___________________________
that the rescue of whales was ___________________________ issue that should be
discussed at the international level. But, unfortunately, today some countries,
like Japan, (to have) ___________________________ a different view on the
protection of whales.

Today scientists wish that the
government (to finance) ___________________________ the production of
"whale alarms" that would tell fishermen where the whales were so
that the fishermen could avoid the area when they go fishing.
(Although/Consequently/For instance/On the other hand) ___________________________,
fishermen wouldn't lose thousands of dollars' worth of nets and fish, and the
whales would be saved.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de irinateleoaca
What a sad story!!! So, let's do it again. A) the, B) were, C) are caught, D) from the, E) have been released, F) has agree, G) an, H) have had, I) should, J) consequently sau on the other hand. Merg ambele!
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