Engleza, întrebare adresată de AndreeaGrecu13, 8 ani în urmă

II. Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers
the question.

1. He's quite efficient when it____ to repairing things.
a. comes b. points c. turns d. goes

2. He lives just____ the road from me.
a. round b. opposite c. across d. beside

3. Many people thought that the arrival of private TV channels would greatly improve the
quality of television. In _____however, the quality has gone down.
a. addition b. spite c. reality d. fact

4 No_____ what I eat, I never seem to put on weight.
a. way b. matter c. surprise d. exception

5. Our lawyer told us that there was nothing we could do about the new club, as it was____
a very b. virtually c. perfectly d. practically

6. My father is the only _____ of my family that can speak German.
a. person b. member c. relative d. relation

7. Don't worry about not getting the job, there'll be _____of other opportunities.
a. lot b. several c. plenty d. some

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