Engleza, întrebare adresată de raresoctavian20, 8 ani în urmă

II. Make these sentences negative.
e.g. a) / speak English (Spanish)
I speak English but I don't speak Spanish.
b) He collects stamps. (coins)
He collects stamps but he doesn't collect coins.
1. They like tea. (milk)
2. He understands Italian. (German)
3. Mrs Smith teaches English. (Japanese)
4. I visit my friends on Sunday. (on Saturday)
5. Paul reads novels. (poems)
6. They study Geography. (History)
7. My baby brother cries at night (in the day time)
8. He likes classical music. (modem music)
9. She writes postcards. (letters)
10. My friends watch a film every week. (a play)​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ariana9220


1.They like tea, but they didn't like milk.

2.He understands Italian, but he doesn't understand German.

3. but she doesn't teach Japanese.

4. but I didn't visit them on Saturday.

5. but he doesn't read poems

6. but they didn't study History.

7. but he doesn't cry in the day time.

8. but he doesn't like modern music.

9. but she doesn't write letters.

10. but he doesn't play every week..?

ariana9220: de la 3 in jos doar adaugi ceea ce am scris. Am unele rezerve ce ține de a 10 frază. Ideea e să știi când se folosește corect doesn't, didn't... și la ce timp să pui verbul. Cred că asta e tema care o studiezi. Sper că am fost de ajutor.
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