Engleza, întrebare adresată de addeea2108, 9 ani în urmă

III. Circle the correct alternative.( zero taiat este no article)

1. A / ⦸ pyramids have fascinated the/ ⦸ people for ⦸ / a thousands of years.
2. The / A most famous of them are a / the three at the / ⦸ Giza.
3. Each pyramid is ⦸ / a tomb, built by a / ⦸ pharaoh.
4. Later, the / ⦸ sun became ⦸ / the more important than the / ⦸ stars in ⦸ / the Egyptian religion.
5. They have stood by a / the River Nile for more than 4.500 years.
6. Four and a half thousand years later a / the different kind of pyramid is appearing.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de madalinab04


1. Pyramids have fascinated people for thousand of years

2. The famous of them are the tree of Giza

3. Each pyramid is a tomb build by a pharaoh.

4. Later, the sun became more important than the stars in the Egyptian religion.

5. They have stood by the River Nile for more than 4500 years.

6. Four and half thousand years later a different kind of pyramid is appearing.

mihaisami007s: buna
mihaisami007s: scz de deranj
mihaisami007s: am si eu nevoie de ajutor la niște ex
mihaisami007s: poți să mă ajuți?
madalinab04: Buna! te-aș ajuta doar ca a trecut mult timp de cand am făcut exerciții de genul ala Și nu prea mai tin minte cum se rezolvă. In plus nu sunt asa buna la romana... scuze, sper să te ajute cineva
mihaisami007s: ok
mihaisami007s: ms
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