imagine that a friend you haven't seen for a long time phoned you last week.Report what he told you to another friend.Ajutorrr!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
"Hello my dear friend,Mary!Look what a friend i haven't seen for a long Time said to me:
-Hello ____(numele tau)!I haven't seen you in so much Time!When did the Time go? I really miss Tallking and playing with you! If you want to meet with me, come at the "Vintage Cafe" on Lavender street.,on friday.
-Hello Andrew! I miss you too! Sorry but i can't come on friday,im a little busy. How about we meet tommorow,and do something more fun, like playing basketball?
-Of course! Have a nice day!said Andrew.
"Buna prietena mea draga,Maria! Uite ce mi-a spus un prieten pe care nu l-am mai vazut de mult timp:
-Buna.....(numele tau) Nu te-am mai vazut de mult timp. Cand a trecut timpul! Imi e foarte dor sa vorbesc si sa ma joc cu tine! Daca vrei sa te intalnesti cu mine, vino la " Cafeneaua Vintage",pe strada Lavandei, vineri.
-Buna Andrei! Si mie imi este dor de tine! Scuze dar nu pot veni vineri, sunt putin ocupata. Ce zici daca ne intalnim maine,si facem ceva mai distractiv,cum ar fi sa ne jucam baschet?
-Desigur! Sa ai o zi frumoasa! a zis Andrei.