Engleza, întrebare adresată de IsabellaMarya, 9 ani în urmă

Imagine that you have to write a letter giving advice to a friend. The problem: He/She has never got enough money or She/He is so behind with her/his work. Advice: Get a part-time job; speak to your teacher. Trebuie sa aiba cel putin 20 de randuri :) mersi anticipat.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Neînțeleasa
Hello, dear friend

I'm glad I can speak to you again, yet something worries me. I heard you don't have enough money to pay your bills and get food, and that really concerns me. I know college is hard, but you really have to do something about your situation. I advise you to get a part-time job after classes so that you can make some extra money. Who knows, maybe you'll afford something nice! I'm glad I could speak to you, and I hope you'll be better.

Yours truly, (numele tău)

Neînțeleasa: Scrii mai mare şi îți ies 20 de rânduri... nu prea ai ce să scrii, aşa că nu te supăra pe mine.
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