Engleza, întrebare adresată de AlinaAndreea16, 9 ani în urmă

îmi explică SI mie cineva condiționalul in engleză? ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

I. IF---> Present simple---> Future simple

If it rains, the streets will be wet. (Daca ploua, strazile vor fi ude)

II. IF--->Past Simple---> Present Conditional (Subiect+would+Verb)

If it rained, the streets would be wet. (Daca ar ploua, strazile ar fi ude)

III. IF--->Past Perfect Simple-->Past Conditional

                                                    (Subiect+would+have+V-ed/forma a iii-a)

If it had rained, the streets would have been wet.( Daca ar fi plouat, strazile ar fi fost ude.

Dupa IF nu ai voie sa folosesti altceva decat Present simple( tip I), Past simple (tip II) si Past perfect (tip III)

Răspuns de Marcel2001

Zero Conditional

il folosesti ca sa vorbesti despre o situatie generala,ori ceva ce tot timpul este adevarat (fact), adevaruri stiintifice.


if/when + present simple + present simple


If plants don't have water,they die.

(Daca plantele nu au apa,ele mor.)

Ice melts if you heat it.

(Gheata se topeste daca o incalzesti.)

First conditional

folosesti cand vorbesti despre situatii posibile in viitorul apropiat si consecintele lor.


if/when + present simple + will verbul la infinitiv


If I pass my exams,I will be very happy.

(Daca trec examenele,voi fi foarte fericit.)

If he studies, he will pass the exams.

(Daca invata,va trece examenele.)

Second conditional

folosesti cand vorbesti despre situatii ireale sau imaginare si consecintele lor.


if + past simple + would verbul la infinitiv


If he was the President, he would make a lot of changes.

(Daca el era presedinte, el ar facea multe schimbari.)

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a new car.

(Daca as avea o multime de bani, mi-as cumpara o noua masina.)

Third conditional

folosesti cand vorbesti depsre situatii imaginare in trecut.


if + had + past participle + would have + past participle


If I had heard my alarm clock, I wouldn't have woken up so late.

(Daca as fi auzit alarma,nu m-as fi trezit atat de tarziu.)

If they had caught the bus,they wouldn't have been so late.

(Daca ei ar fi prins transportul, ei nu ar fi ajuns asa de tarziu.)

Dupa if niciodata nu folosim Future Simple ( will.)

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