Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

imi faceti si mie va rog aceste propoziti?
Copii s-au uitat la televizor ieri seara .
Eu am mancat mere si portocale acum doua zile .
Mama a spalat ursuletul meu din plus saptamana trecuta.
Eu am vrut sa ma joc pe calculator acum cinci minute.
Filmul a inceput acum o ora.
Noi am deschis geamul acum zece minute.
Tata a prins un peste mare in acel la vara trecuta.
Mary a venit aici ieri dimineata.
Eu miam facut tema acum trei ore.
Baiatul a desenat un caine pe tabla saptamana trecuta.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
The children watched TV yesterday evening.
I ate apples and oranges two days ago.
My mother washed my teddy bear last week.
I wanted to play on the computer five minutes ago.
The movie started an hour ago.
We opened the window ten minutes ago.
My father caught a big fish in that lake last summer.
Mary came here yesterday morning.
I did my homework three hours ago.
The boy drew a dog on the blackboard last week.
Răspuns de sporti2003
The children watched television yesterday . I ate apples and oranges two days ago . My mother washed my teddy bear plush last week . I wanted to play computer five minutes ago . The film started an hour ago. We opened the window about ten minutes ago . My dad caught a big fish in that from last summer. Mary came here yesterday morning . Miam theme I made ​​three hours ago . The boy drew a dog on board last week .
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