Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Imi puteti da avantajele si dezavantajele carierei de model, in limba engleza va rog? Ma puteti ajuta?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de hanji
Pros: (avantaje)
As a model you will be given a lot of attention.
If you are good looking, some brands will pay good money to have you advertize their product.
You will be classified in the "ideal body type" .
A lot of brands will allow you to keep their product (ex: clothes, hair products)
You might end up befriending singers, dancers and movie directors.
People will be envious of your looks.
Cons: (desavantaje)
You might end up in a bad place surrounded by bad people.
You might end up with a low self esteem.
People will see you as a brainless puppet.
You will be expected to look your best even when sick/ sad.
People will try to befriend you just so they could get famous.
You are threatened to suffer from several illnesses. (anorexia, bulimia etc)

Utilizator anonim: Multumesc mult de tot!
hanji: Cu placere!
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