imi puteti face va rog o poveste dupa planul asta??? Va rog mult imi trebuie urgent.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Last winter me and my parents decided to go in Brasov and spend the holidays there. We have planned to go sledding and skiing.
For a nice journey we took the train as we thought it's going to be more fun. There was ice on the roads so it was also more safe to take the train. We got to our hotel room in the evening so we had nice meal and then went to sleep.
The next day in the morning we got all ready to go skiing and sledding. I love sledding, I've done it since I was a small kid but I never went skiing so it was a first time for me. We rented the equipment but we didn't listen carefully how to actually ski. So we went on top and oh well... the way down was more complicated. No one knew how to maintain balance on the skis, so we actually fell all the way down. No one got hurt and we laughed about it. I think next time we will listen to the trainers telling us how to actually ski.
Traducere: Iarna trecuta, eu si familia mea ne-am decis sa mergem la Brasov si sa petrecem sarbatorile acolo. Ne-am planuit sa mergem la sanius si la schi.
Pentru o calatorie frumoasa, am luat trenul pentru ca ne-am gandit ca va fi mai distractiv. Era gheata pe drumuri asa ca era si mai sigur sa luam trenul. Am ajuns la camera de hotel seara, am avut o cina frumoasa si apoi am mers la somn.
Urmatoarea zi, dimineata ne-am pregatit sa mergem la sanius si la schi. Iubesc saniusul, (merg la sanius) l-am facut de cand eram un copil mic dar niciodata nu am mers la schi deci era pentru prima oara pentru mine. Am inchiriat echipamentul dar nu am ascultat cu atentie exact cum se schiaza. Am mers sus si ei bine... in jos a fost mai complicat. Nimeni nu stia cum sa isi mentina balansul pe schiuri, deci mai exact am cazut pana jos. Nimeni nu a fost ranit si am ras despre asta (despre experienta). Cred ca data viitoare vom asculta 'antrenorii?' cand ne spun cum sa schiem mai exact.
Asta mi-a venit in minte...