Engleza, întrebare adresată de unicorn2117, 9 ani în urmă

Imi puteti traduce si mie textul acesta ...am nevoie urgent ...l.am tradus dar nu sunt sigura si ne da note... Multumesc


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de selenaandjustin
-hello,how can i serve you?
-hellor,well,i want a lettuce salad,but add some slices of cheese,a sandwich with ton and same chopped tomatoes,oh no,actually,i want them diced..and an orange juice.
-it lasts only 15 minutes,here is your command,and the sandwich comes right now
-thank you
-here it is,and for dessert do you want something?i can give you some pancakes with strawberry jam or little cookies with chocolate and fruits
-yes,honestly,i want some pancakes
the client looked for some seconds at the sandwich and noticed a weird smell
-excuse me,can you come here for a second?
-of course,lady
-don't you notice a weird smell at this sandwich?
-miss,we're sorry,it will never happen again,probably a mistake from the kitchen,i'll go check in
-it's not necesarry,i'm leaving,take your money and i promise you i'll never come in this restaurant again,and i'll warn my friends too.
-miss,we're sorry..
-good bye!
Alte întrebări interesante
Matematică, 9 ani în urmă