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Ea locuieste la tara , mai exact in snagov .
Bunica mea iubeste nespus de mult florile , mai ales trandafirii . Tot timpul si-l petrece ingrijind curtea , plantele ,livada ... petrecand mult timp alaturi de ea am inceput sa apreciez natura mai mult .
Ea este tot timpul buna si draguta cu mine , ma intelege in orice privinta si imi da cele mai bune sfaturi.Are o atitudine demna de admirat ,este o fire energica ,amuzanta si chiar in cele mai grele momente o vezi cu zambetul pe buze dandu-ti o stare de bine.
Nu cred ca imi ajunge o viata pentru a asculta toate lucrurile pe care le stie si toate aventurile ei .
Bunica mea este inalta cu parul blond,scurt si un pic ondulat .Zambetul ei este foarte frumos si straluceste ca perlele . Ochii sunt albastri si mici dar foarte expresivi .
Răspunsuri la întrebare
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She lives in the country, in Snagov.
My grandmother is very fond of flowers, especially of roses. She spends all her time taking care of your courtyard, her plants, the orchard. Spending quite a lot of time next to her I started to value nature.
She is good and kind to me, she understands me in any matters and she gives me the best advice. She has a respectable attitude, she has a dynamic character, she is diverting and even during the most difficult moments you can see a smile on her face and this gives one a positive feeling.
It would take me more than a lifetime to listen to all the things she knows and all her adventures.
My grandmother is tall with short curly fair hair. Her smile is beautiful and shiny like pearls. Her eyes are blue and small but very expressive.
My grandmother is very fond of flowers, especially of roses. She spends all her time taking care of your courtyard, her plants, the orchard. Spending quite a lot of time next to her I started to value nature.
She is good and kind to me, she understands me in any matters and she gives me the best advice. She has a respectable attitude, she has a dynamic character, she is diverting and even during the most difficult moments you can see a smile on her face and this gives one a positive feeling.
It would take me more than a lifetime to listen to all the things she knows and all her adventures.
My grandmother is tall with short curly fair hair. Her smile is beautiful and shiny like pearls. Her eyes are blue and small but very expressive.
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My grandmother loves you very much flowers, especially roses. All the time and spend it taking care of the yard, plants, orchard ... spending more time with her I started to appreciate nature more.
It is always good and kind to me, understands me in every way and gives me the best sfaturi.Are an admirable attitude, is a nature energetic, funny and even in the most difficult moments see smiling giving Ti wellbeing.
I do not think life gets to he