Engleza, întrebare adresată de RESERVED, 10 ani în urmă

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             Numeroasa familie McCallister pleacă în mare grabă la Paris să sărbătorească Crăciunul, dar îl uită pe Kevin  acasă. Kevin, care are doar 8 ani, trebuie să înfrunte doi hoți care se pregătesc să-i jefuiască casa crezând-o nelocuită. Inteligentul și curajos Kevin este nevoit să pună tot felul de capcane pentru a-și apăra locuința.Cand parintii baiatului se intorc acasa , sunt foarte fericiti ca si-au gasit fiul teafar.

Naria: The large family McCallister leaves in a hurry to Paris to celebrate the Christmas, but they forgot Kevin home. Kevin, who is only 8 years old, needs to confront two thieves who are preparing to rob the house, thinking it isn't inhabited. The clever and the courageous Kevin is forced to put all sorts of traps to protect his house. When the boy's parents are returning home, they are very happy to found the boy safely.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Romina6
    McCallister large family leave in a hurry to Paris to celebrate Christmas, but it looks Kevin home.Kevin, who is only 8 years old, must confront two thieves who are preparing to rob the house thinking it uninhabited.The intelligent and courageous Kevin is forced to put all sorts of traps to defend their homes. Return home when the boy's parents are very happy to have found his son unharmed.
Răspuns de davidmoroianu
 McCallister, a large family leave in a hurry to Paris to celebrate Christmas, but it looks Kevin home.Kevin, who is only 8 years old, must confront two thieves who are preparing to rob the house thinking it uninhabited.The intelligent and courageous Kevin is forced to put all sorts of traps to defend their homes. Return home when the boy's parents are very happy to have found his son unharmed.
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