Engleza, întrebare adresată de suciudia, 9 ani în urmă

imi traduceti si mie in engleza va rog? 
In aceasta vara am fost la bunici unde i-am ajutat pe bunici cu treburile din curte . mi-am facut prieteni noi ,care mi-au aratat imprejurarile. cele mai tari lucruri pe care le-am facut au fost urmatoarele: am curatat la pui ,am curatat la porci ,am desfacut fasole, am curatat in pod,am scos cartoti, am dat mancare la animale,am factu mancare ,am avut grija de verisori.in concluzie a fost o vara de neuitat si abea astept vara urmatoare !!!

davidstelistu08: This summer i was at my grand-parents where i helped them with the house problems.I did new friends,that (cauta a arata in dex) the village.The best things were that I did were:I cleaned the chickens,the pigs,I (cauta desfacut),I cleaned (cauta pod),I(cauta scoate si conjuga-l la trecut simplu),I feed the animals,I did food,I was a nanny for my cousins.In conclusion,it was a very nice summer and I am waiting for the next summer!!
davidstelistu08: e bine?
davidstelistu08: cel mai bun te rog!
suciudia: ms am luat 10

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de jomirdorina
This summer i was at my grand-parents where i helped them with the house problems.I did new friends,that (cauta a arata in dex) the village.The best things were that I did were:I cleaned the chickens,the pigs,I (cauta desfacut),I cleaned (cauta pod),I(cauta scoate si conjuga-l la trecut simplu),I feed the animals,I did food,I was a nanny for my cousins.In conclusion,it was a very nice summer and I am waiting for the next summer!!
Răspuns de ruxamdra
Roman :In aceasta vara am fost la bunici unde i-am ajutat pe bunici cu treburile din curte . mi-am facut prieteni noi ,care mi-au aratat imprejurarile. cele mai tari lucruri pe care le-am facut au fost urmatoarele: am curatat la pui ,am curatat la porci ,am desfacut fasole, am curatat in pod,am scos cartoti, am dat mancare la animale,am factu mancare ,am avut grija de verisori.in concluzie a fost o vara de neuitat si abea astept vara urmatoare !!!   Engleza:This summer I was at my grandparents where I helped him with the chores in the yard . I made ​​new friends who showed me the circumstances . the coolest things I did were: I cleaned the chicken, cleaned the pigs, I opened beans, cleaned the attic , I pulled cartoti I gave food to the animals we eat impressive w , we took care the verisori.in conclusion was an unforgettable summer and can not wait next summer !!!

ruxamdra: Sper sa fie cel mai buc !!!!
ruxamdra: bun scz ?
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