Engleza, întrebare adresată de spiridonalexandra, 9 ani în urmă

imi traduceti si mie textul, in engleza , va rog: Tinerii de astazi nu folosesc intelept timpul lor liber deoarece sunt preocupati de alte lucuri. In primul rand, tinerii isi petrec majoritatea timpului in fata calculatorlui, nemaifacand spor si tratand cu dezinteres cele ce se petrec in jurul lor. Am ajuns in era in care tehnologia avanseaza de la zi la zi, iar timpul trece pe langa noi neobservat si de aceea trebuie sa pretuim fiecare clipa! In al doilea rand, majoritatea tinerilor au alte interese si alte valori morale. Acestia se preocupa de activitati precum fumatul, bautul pierzandu-si noptile prin cluburi, scoala nemaireprezentand interes. In concluzie, tinerii din zilele noastre nu stiu sa-si petreaca timpul, acesta fiind risipit cu totul.

cofarudenisa: Young people today do not use their free time wisely because they are preoccupied with other hatches. First, young people spend most of their time in front calculatorlui, not doing spore and treating with disregard what is happening around them. We arrived in the technology was advancing from day to day, and time passes us by unnoticed and therefore should cherish every moment! Second, most young people have other interests and other moral values. They are concerned with activities such as smoki
cofarudenisa: nu prea stiu daca e bine
spiridonalexandra: merci,,,,
spiridonalexandra: nu l.ai luat de pe net, nu? ;)) ca imi trebuie pt scoala:)))
cofarudenisa: l-am luat dar e bine facut :))
spiridonalexandra: ok;)))

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bugatolea
Young people today do not use their free time wisely because they are preoccupied with other hatches. First, young people spend most of their time in front calculatorlui, not doing spore and treating with disregard what is happening around them. We arrived in the technology was advancing from day to day, and time passes us by unnoticed and therefore should cherish every moment! Second, most young people have other interests and other moral values. They are concerned with activities such as smoking, drinking losing their nights in clubs, school nemaireprezentand interest. In conclusion, young people nowadays do not know how to spend time, being completely wasted.
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