Engleza, întrebare adresată de andraloric, 10 ani în urmă

Imi traduceti si mie va rog?  "Spiridusul era foarte curios de discutia dintre tineri si incet a venit langa acestia.Cand s-a apropiat de fata, el a fost cuprins de o vraja care il facea sa nu isi mai ia privirea de la ea.Spiridusul stia ca ea este vrajitoare, si de aceea s-a hotarat sa vorbeasca cu fata si sa ii explice banuielile pe care le are.Fata a ascultat cu atentie spusele baiatului si si-a dat seama ca are puteri magice,transformand podul intr-un castel fermecat,in care o astepta mama ei si cei doi frati.Spiridusul a luato de brat pe tanara si intrand in castel, portile imense s-au inchis dupa acestia, ei traind fericiti impreuna."

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Cristian7777
The elf was very curious about the discussion between the young people and,slowly he came behind them.When he came closer to the girl,he was content by a spell that makes him to cannot take his eyes from her.The elf knows that she is a witch, because of that he make the decision to talk to her and explain her the suspicious that he has.
The girl listen with attention his words and she account that she has magical powers
transforming the bridge into a magic, castle where her mother and two little brothers, was waiting for her.The elf was taking the girl by the arm and when was entering in the castle, giant gates was closed after them, and they live happy together.
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