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Probleme şcolare
În viaţa adolescentului pot apărea dificultăţi sau probleme şcolare care constituie motive de conflict cu părinţii sau cu alţi adulţi (profesori). Cauzele acestui gen de probleme sunt diverse, ele pot fi aflate şi găsite soluţii de rezolvare.
Printre problemele care apar în viaţa şcolară a adolescentului se află următoarele: abandon şcolar, blocaj la una din materii, nu mai învaţă aşa cum o făcea înainte, chiuleşte de la şcoală, refuză să înveţe la anumite materii, învaţă mult dar rezultatele sunt sub nivelul efortului depus, este în conflict cu unul din profesori şi e pe cale de a rămâne corigent etc.
Viciile (dependenta de droguri, alcool sau tigari)
Din pura curiozitate sau in urma presiunii anturajului, adolescentul din ziua de azi ajunge sa fumeze, sa bea si sa consume droguri mult mai usor decat in trecut. Viciile il predispun la o multime de probleme de sanatate, dar si legale.
Educatia in privinta acestor tentatii periculoase este indicat sa fie facuta inca de cand copilul este foarte mic, pentru a-l ajuta sa inteleaga consecintele acestor actiuni si modul in care ii pot afecta viata.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
In the life of the adolescent's difficulties may arise or school problems which constitute the grounds of conflict with their parents or other adults (teachers).The causes of such problems are diverse, they can be placed and foundsolutions for problem-solving.Among the problems that arise in the school life of the adolescent is located as follows: dropout, blockage in one of the subjects and no longer teaches as it didbefore, go to school, refuses to learn, teach certain subjects but the results aremuch below the level of effort, is in conflict with one of the teachers, and it'sabout to get corigent etc.
Addictions (drug addiction, alcohol or cigarettes)
From curiosity or following pressure on environment, today's teenager comes tosmoke, drink and consume drugs much easier than in the past. Vices ilpredispose to a lot of health problems, but also legal.Education about these dangerous temptations is shown to be done even whenthe child is very small, to help him understand the consequences of theseactions and the way it can affect your life.
Addictions (drug addiction, alcohol or cigarettes)
From curiosity or following pressure on environment, today's teenager comes tosmoke, drink and consume drugs much easier than in the past. Vices ilpredispose to a lot of health problems, but also legal.Education about these dangerous temptations is shown to be done even whenthe child is very small, to help him understand the consequences of theseactions and the way it can affect your life.
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