Engleza, întrebare adresată de Daiana911, 9 ani în urmă

Îmi traduceți vă rog ?:
The excited and intrigued many,because it did sounf like a theory for an indestructible network. In the autumn of 1969 ,the first node was installed in UCLA . By December 1969 ,there were four nodes on the infant network ,which was named ARPANET,after its Pentagon sponsor.An added bonus was that scientists and researches could share one another's computer facilites from a great distance away.
This was a very handy service,for computer time was precious in the early '70 s. In 1971 there were fifteen nodes in ARPANET by 1972,thirty-seven nodes.And it was good.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de defenceakkap
Aceasta a entuziasmat si intrigat multi (oameni),deoarece aceasta a sunat ca o teorie pentru o retea indestructibila.In toamna lui 1969,primul nod a fost instalat in ULCA.Din Decembrie 1969,au existat 4 noduri pe reteaua minora/infantila/,care a fost numita ARPANET,dupa sponsorul sau (Pentagon)(Agentia Proiectelor de Cercetare Avansata).Un bonus a fost ca cercetatorii si oamenii de stiinta puteau impartii intre ei facilitatile computerelor de la o distanta destul de mare.Acesta a fost un serviciu foarte folositor,timpul la computer a fost pretios la inceputul anilor 70.In 1971 au existat 15 noduri in ARPANET iar in 1972 au existat 37 noduri.Si asta a fost bine.

Daiana911: mersi mult
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