Engleza, întrebare adresată de anonimus1568, 8 ani în urmă

Imi trebuie rezolvarea cat de repede se poate! Multumsec!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gritcanfelicia


0. She is a good student.

1. She eats a lot of - fruit and - vegetables.

2. The book that you gave me was really good.

3. I have an idea. Let's watch the new Beyonce video.

4. I never drink - coffee-I hate it.

5. I like lots of sports, but the sport I like most is tennis.


.People need to be careful what they drink. Of course -orange juice and - apple juice are very popular, but they are not always a good choice. Orange juice contains a lot of sugar, so don't drink too much of it. The best drink for your brain is - water. A glass of water is the best drink you can get, but the water you drink needs to be fresh and clean.

andreea109882: Ma poți ajuta te rog cu ex pe care le-am postat???
andreea109882: Te rog frumos
andreea109882: Sunt doua de engleză
gritcanfelicia: care?
andreea109882: Este postat
andreea109882: Este o poza cu doua ex
andreea109882: Te rog mult
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