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In opinia mea, intr-o societate democratica orice persoana are dreptul la liberatea de exprimare . Acest drept ofera fiecarui individ ocazia de a se manifesta direct si de as expune punctul de vedere in raport cu societatea , mai ales cu problemele si nemultumirile legate de aceasta.
Cred ca intr-o societate cat mai solida si unita trebuiesc luate in considerare si respectate opiniile oamenilor , astfel societatea democratica se indreapta in functie de dorintele acesora devenind un stat echilibrat , linistit din punct de vedere al revoltelor , marind sansa de a prospera intrutotul.
Trebuie sa constientizam ca aceasta exprimare prezinta o limita. In acest mod , o exprimare care pune in pericol existenta sistemului nu va fi tolerata. Astfel oamenii se impart in doua categorii : oameni care isi tin gura inchisa , nereprezentand un pericol pentru sistem si oamenii gata sa explodeze , revolutionarii care lupta impotriva sistemului . In acest mod , odata ce ai depasit limita permisa de exprimare si devii o amenintare , nimeni nu va mai garanta pentru siguranta ta personala cat si pentru dreptul la viata . Indiferent de epoca , frica si teroarea prezinta principalele instrumente de control ale sistemului.
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In my opinion, in a democratic society Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This law gives every individual the opportunity to express themselves directly and would set out its views in relation to society, especially with the problems and grievances related. I think a company as solid and united must be considered and respected people's opinions so democratic society is moving according to the wishes acesora becoming a state balanced, quiet in terms of riots, increasing the chance of thriving altogether. We have to realize that this expression shows a limit. In this way, an expression which endangers the existence of the system will not be tolerated. Such people fall into two categories: people who keep their mouth shut, do not represent a threat to the system and people ready to explode, revolutionaries fighting system. In this way, once you exceed the limit of expression and become a threat, nobody will guarantee your personal safety and for the right to life. Regardless of age, fear and terror presents the main tools of control scheme has
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