Engleza, întrebare adresată de cristina291, 9 ani în urmă

imi trebuie un eseu despre jobul meu in engleza.muncesc la un magazin alimentar.ma poate ajuta cineva?

blindseeker90: Ce ai dori sa scrii in acest eseu? In mare parte, m-as gandi ca pot fi doua abordari: sa spui in general care sunt atributiile tale sau sa spui o zi de-a ta de la un capat la altul. Nu stiu, cum vrei tu
cristina291: cam putin din amandoua
blindseeker90: Ai putea sa imi descrii putin ce faci ca sa pot scrie cateva propozitii?
cristina291: preiau marfa o pun pe rafturi.mai poti spune despre atitudinea mea fata de clienti.ca trebuie sa fiu comunicativa.sa zambesc.
cristina291: sa fiu amabila.mai poti spune despre sef despre colege
cristina291: mediul de munca este unul placut nu este stresant
cristina291: in general clientii sunt cam aceeasi.si atunci mai stau cu ei la povesti.mai trebuie sa i ascult chiar daca cateodata nu am chef
cristina291: incearca

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de blindseeker90
I currently work at a grocery shop. My jobs consists in two main activities: handling the merchandise and communicating with my coworkers and customers.
Firstly, I have to position different products on the market shelves. The products have to be placed in a suggestive way. For example, the customer has to see clearly what is the cost and he must get interested by the product by seeing the package. He also must be able to spot the products in the same places at a subsequent visit, in order not to waste time and be more comfortable.
Secondly, I talk with customers and help them to get the required products at the correct price. Since most of my grocery's clients are regular, we started developing also informal relations. They always tell me stories and I always listen to them, even though sometimes I am not in the mood. But if they come back and makes them feel comfortable, why not?
Thirdly, I must communicate with my coworkers and report to my boss the earnings and the events happening through the day. The atmosphere is pretty calm, we smile a lot, and we are confident in each other. It's quite easy to work in such a place.

cristina291: mersi mult
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