Engleza, întrebare adresată de elyelyza2006, 8 ani în urmă

imi trebuie urgent repede vea roggggg DAU COROANA​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de beckzmary


1 don't

2 about

3  fancy

4 would,love

5 course

6 count

elyelyza2006: la 4 cum scriu?
elyelyza2006: would si love?
beckzmary: sunt doua spatii libere
elyelyza2006: aaaa
elyelyza2006: ms
Răspuns de lucaion68

1) Why don't you come along ?

2) How about bringing some friends along with you ?

3) Do you count coming along ?

4) That would be fantastic. I'd love to.

5) Yes, of course. It's a great idea.

6) You'll have to count me out.

elyelyza2006: ms❤❤❤
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