Engleza, întrebare adresată de liunicoleta88, 8 ani în urmă

În 15 rânduri sa scriem o zi obișnuită a unui scafandru ÎN ENGLEZA​

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Răspuns de rares504


What would a scubadiver do in a day one could ask?

Well I am not a scubadiver so I can only imagine. I would like to describe what a coral diver would do.

First of all, you need to find a place where you can dive. You search for it online, ask other fellow divers. After you find the place you pack up your gear, you check everything to be sure no one gets hurt. You charge a boat to take you to the place you will dive in. Then you put on the scubadiving equipment. The next part is enjoying the view. The multicolored fish, the thriving coral reef.

And then you tell everyone about your experience

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