Engleza, întrebare adresată de christiana2444, 8 ani în urmă

In about 200 words, write a story entitled DO-OR-DIE


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de pufleakitycat


When i has at the school i has looked for a teacher because a kid has bullyed me and he sayed: –you make my homework? –no.. –Why?! YOU DO OR YOU DIE!! and when he sayed that i get scared so much..When i get home my mom put on my a question.–why you have blood on your face?! –mom ..i has bullyed –W-WHAT?!why?! –a kid bullyed me because i don't make him homework's. –YOU DON'T LEAVE WHEN YOU CLEAN YOUR ROOM!! –mom. – YOU DO OR YOU DIE!! sper ca team ajutat! eu inca nu am nr daca am scris 200 de cuv dar cred ca team ajutat

pufleakitycat: sper ca team ajutat!
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
One day, I was in school, and I asked the teacher if I may go to the bathroom. The teacher agreed, so I got out of class. In the hallway I met with one of my bestfriends. I said ,, Hello”, but she didn’t reply with “ Hello,, she replied with “ Do me a favor,,. I asked her what did she want me to do. She asked me to lock myself in the bathroom until the next day. I asked her what does she mean by that, I told her that i’m not gonna do it, but she said the next words that scared me the most: ,,DO IT OR DIE”.
Since that day , I didn’t ask the teachers to go at the bathroom in their class.

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