Engleza, întrebare adresată de gek220, 8 ani în urmă

In about 250 words design a research paper revealing different ideas about the origin of life. Choose two or three main ideas and support them with facts, evidence, and details.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Siminuca

There are several ideas when it comes to the origin of life. Most people believe that a superior divinity has created Earth and life. However, others think that evolution in nature is the correct answer.

Personally, I tend to believe in evolution too. Many scientists have done reasearch on this and tried to discover more details. No one knows the real and correct answer yet. Natural selection seems to be a more relatistic possibility. Even though there are not a lot of proofs, people found some evidence: bones in the ground, old bodies, different instincts we as humans have and so on.

In conclusion, the origin of life remains for everyone an unsolved question, controversial subject and an interesting one.

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