Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

In engleză eseu cu tema: Influenta televizorului si calculatorului in viața noastră
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Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

The devices influence us

In our days, if you don't have a smartphone or a computer you are not cool. What nobody understands is that the technology influents our health.
The TV, the smartphone, the tablet transmit radiations to our body. And this is obviously not good for us. But nobody cares. Even a 6 years old kid has a phone... not OK.
All those electronic devices create addiction. Never happend to you to watch an episode of a series on your computer and can't stop? You must watch another episode or finish the season? Or.... Start a game and can't pass a level so you tried to pass it even until 3 o'clock a.m.?
The TV, the computer are influence us. It creats addiction. Try to substract every day the timing that you use for playing computer games or watch TV. You will se that, slowely, you can live without those devices.

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