Engleza, întrebare adresată de lm9145214, 8 ani în urmă

În engleză vă rog! Dau coroană!​


bebesempai: One day i was doing my homework and then i heard something strange in my garden.I was scared to go and i told my dad to go see what is hapening.I found out it was my dog that destroyed something.
bebesempai: o facui repede la misto nuj daca o sa te ajute
lm9145214: ok,ms

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Rafael2005

Sper ca te-am ajutat, nu este necesar sa scri tot, dar ti-am dat o idee!

   During the summer in July of 2010, my friends Ashley and Kelsey decided to go to the mall. When we arrived at the mall we were just looking around at stuff in the stores and did a little shopping. As we were walking around for a little bit, we decided to grab something to eat from the chinese place. I don't like chinese so I went over and got some pizza and a drink. As I was walking to the table my friends were sitting at, I dropped the pizza and drink all over me. I tripped over a little kids bouncy ball! I was so mad that I picked the bouncy ball up and threw it to the other side of the room. Well just my luck, it end up hitting some girl in the back of the head. This girl was probably about in her early 30s and I'm just a teenager. Well anyway she came charging over to me after someone told her it was me that threw the bouncy ball at her head. It was an accident, it's not like I meant to hit the old hag in the head. So I saw she was coming towards me so I ran in the opposite direction and hid in a store. I texted my friends and asked them to get their food to go and meet me at the store Journey's. Once they came, I told them what happened and they were laughing at me of course. I told them we needed to sneak out of hear and not let the old lady or anyone elese for that matter see me because I had pizza and soda all over me. Embarassing I know!

dyavya: Aolo da cersiti coroane și puncte..
Rafael2005: scrie tu mai bine fara nici o recompensa daca esti asa desteapta, punctele sunt oferite pentru ca acela sa poate pune intrebari la randul lui, in caz ca nu stii cum functioneaza brainly
dyavya: Cer iertare, platforma Brainly este pentru a ajuta.
dyavya: Apreciez faptul ca ajuți, dar nu mai pune faza cu "pls coroana". Coroana se da dacă ai cel mai bun răspuns și nu tu decizi sa-ti dea coroana. Treaba ta, mai roagă-te sa îți dea coroana pana o sa saturi lume la cap. Pace.
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