Engleza, întrebare adresată de adrian21, 9 ani în urmă

In engleza va rogggg : ei se duceau la cinema cand noi iam intalnit.
Ce faceai tu cand eu te-am sunat ?
Acum ma uit la Tv dar de obicei ma joc la calculator la ora aceasta .
Unde te.ai dus ieri ?
Mam dus in parc sa ma intalnesc cu prieteni mei
Dau punctaj maxim va roggg ajutorrr

MariiEllenaa: What were you doing when I called I?
Now I watch TV but I usually play computer games at this.
Where te.ai went yesterday?
Mam went to the park to meet with my friends
MariiEllenaa: te.ai-did
MariiEllenaa: Mam-I
adrian21: Msdd boss
MariiEllenaa: Nu ai pentru ce.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stefanionut7
they went to the cinema when we met iam. What were you doing when I called I?Now I watch TV but I usually play computer games at this. Where te.ai went yesterday? Mam went to the park to meet with my friends
Răspuns de chucky2008
They were walking to the cinema when we found they.
What were you doing when I CALLED YOU?
Now I am watching Tv but I usualy play on computer.
Where did you go yesterday?
I went in the park to met with my friends.

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