Engleza, întrebare adresată de Catea20011, 9 ani în urmă

in pairs ask your partner to
wave his/ her hand
show the V sing
take off his/her hat
shake hands
cross fingers
shrug his/her shoulders
cross his/her arms
turn away his/her eyes
raise his/her eyerbrows

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
Would you please, wave your hand? Would you please show the V sign? Pleas, would you take off your hat? Would you mind to shake hands? Would you pleas cross your fingers? Do you mind to shrug her shoulder? May I please cross his arm?

Catea20011: trebuie de scris cind persoana da mina cind se saluta cind scoate palaria cind vede o persoana cunoscuta 
Catea20011: asa la fiecare 
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