Engleza, întrebare adresată de lucifer12, 10 ani în urmă

In pairs, talj about nodern life and life

lucifer12: In pairs ,talk modern life and life in the past

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de fabianfabi9767
nowadays, people should take a moment to think how their lives used to be decades ago, how is in the present and how it would be in the near future. I consider that in the present the education and tehnology improved a lot, and all that things make us to have a modern life .

lucifer12: Scriemi terog
lucifer12: Imi scrii
fabianfabi9767: ioana, nu as vrea sa fiu impertinent cu tine, crede-ma pe cuvant ca in textul de mai sus, nu vei gasi nicio greseala de scriere in limba engleza!
ioana101: Partea "how is in the present" nu este corecta gramatical, deoarece trebuie MEREU sa mentionezi pronumele/lucrul despre care vorbesti Nici "all that things make us to have a modern life". Cuvantul "that" este pentru singular, poate "these". Si este "make us have", nu "make us to have". Am gasit exemple de greseli ;)
fabianfabi9767: imi enumeri niste greseli de exprimare, nu de scriere ;-), esti confuza! oricum, multumesc! eu am incercat sa ajut un copil, nu sa caut greselile altora! daca ai stii, ai face si tu la fel!\
ioana101: Tot greseli sunt, eh? Cu placere. Oh, are you embarassed now? That's how I see it x) it doesn't seem like you are thankful at all, seeing that you are trying to criticise me.. ^.^ Romanians...... not my cup of tea. You know what I'm sayin', chur cous?
fabianfabi9767: i;m not embarassed sweetheart! genul acesta de individe
fabianfabi9767: ma ingretoseaza!
ioana101: De unde? Nu vad ce as invidia la tine.. nu ai o engleza perfecta, cum te-as putea individia? O_O poate esti tu individios? And I'm not your sweetheart, sorry. As I said, not my cu
ioana101: cup of tea. :P
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