Engleza, întrebare adresată de andyandreea71, 8 ani în urmă

In Western Europe and the

USA, family life 0) has changed

dramatically over the last forty years.

The number of families that depend 1) ............. both

parents going out to work, or where 2) ............. is one

parent raising the children alone, is much greater than it

3) ............. to be. Also, many more people move away

from their families 4) .............. ever before. 5) .................

these changes, most people still think 6) .....................

their family as one of the most significant parts of

7) ....................... lives.

A recent American survey showed that 8) ................

people think that spending time 9) ................ home is

more important 10) ................... earning a high salary or

having a challenging job. The majority of young people

surveyed said that they 11) ...................... be happy to

earn less money if they had more time to 12) .................

with their loved ones. Older people also commented that

they had worked 13) ..................... hard in the past when

they should have 14) ................... with their families.

15) ....................... if the typical family doesn’t follow the

traditional model today, it is still a vital part of our lives​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ThatWeirdo

1) on

2) there

3) has

4) than

5) after

6) that

7) their

8) most

9) at

10) than

11) would

12) be

13) very

14) been

15) even

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