Engleza, întrebare adresată de 2004Ioana, 8 ani în urmă

In your own words,what would you do or what what would happen... 1.if you came to class late everyday? 2.if you found a large sum of money on the street? 3.if you lost your purse or wallet? 4.if you were ten years younger than you are?5.if you failed all your exams? Exemplu:If you never did your homework?If I never did my homework,I would fail all my tests.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Japela
1.If I came came to class late everyday,I would say everytime when it's happen to my teacher ,,I'm sorry".
2.If I found a large sum of money on the street,I would go to the market and but everything I want.
3.If I lost my wallet I would go to the police and say to find it.
4.If I were ten years younger then I am ,I would need to learn again everithing I known now.
5.If I failed all my exams,I would be so sad but I will try to learn more for next time.
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