informal article in engleză 80-100 de cuv, despre: dacă îmi place sportul, dau coroana !!!! va rog repede
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Studies showed that sports keep yourself healthy. That's why i started practising football, to keep me fit and spend my time in a productive way. I've been playing for 3 years and now i can't see my life without it. I love it and i try to make everyone understand why sports are so interesting.
First of all, as a child, you have a lot of energy, spending it on this tipe of activity will help you a lot. Second of all, you will find yourself having a new hobby. This will keep you occupied.
I hope i managed to convince you how importnat sports are by showing you how much i love them
In romana :
Da, mie imi place foarte mult sportul! Eu practic (pui un sport daca practici vreunul) / Eu nu practic nici un sport (daca nu practici), dar mi ar plăcea sa practic sportul (pui ce sport vrei sa faci) . Eu ma uit cu placere la jocurile Olimpului, sunt foarte intrigata in asta, am aflat chiar si despre istoria lor :
Jocurile Olimpice antice, denumite originar Jocuri Olimpice erau constituite din competiții atletice care aveau loc pe o arenă între diferite localități ale Greciei Antice.
Aceste competiții au început în anul 776 î.Hr. în Olympia (Grecia), și s-au serbat până în anul 393 când au fost desființate de împăratul roman etc etc.
Imi place foarte mult sportul si pe lângă ca este frumos de vizionat este si foarte sănătos! Recomand practicarea sportului!
(sursa pt istoria despre jocurile olimpice)
In engleza :
Yes, I really like sports! I practice (put a sport if you practice any) / I don't practice any sport (if you don't), but I would like to practice the sport (put what sport you want to do). I enjoy watching the Olympic games, I am very intrigued by this, I even learned about their history:
The ancient Olympic Games, originally called the Olympic Games, consisted of athletic competitions that took place in an arena between different localities of Ancient Greece.
These competitions began in 776 BC. in Olympia (Greece), and were celebrated until the year 393 when they were abolished by the Roman emperor etc etc.
I really like sports and besides being beautiful to watch, it is also very healthy! I recommend practicing sports!
Sper ca te am ajutat!