Engleza, întrebare adresată de olgapetreciuc1983, 8 ani în urmă

informație despre iepure in limba engleza​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vacariconstantin93

The term rabbit designates the long-eared mammals of the family Leporidae, order Lagomorpha. They are classified into 2 categories: those that give birth to young covered with fur and with open eyes (typical representative is the hare (Lepus europaeus)) and those whose young are born naked and blind (typical representative is the burrowing rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) ). Genetically the two species are completely different and cannot breed with each other.

Răspuns de flamingo33

The rabbit is a herbivorous, rodent mammal, which you can recognize by its long ears, short and bushy tail, fluffy fur and by its color, which is generally grey-reddish, but can also be white or black. In general, it eats plants and vegetables, the most common being the carrot


Iepurele este un mamifer erbivor, rozator, pe care il poti recunoaste dupa urechile lungi, coada scurta si stufoasa, blanita pufoasa si dupa nuanta, in general fiind cenusie-roscata, dar poate fi si alba sau neagra. In general mananca plante si legume, cel mai des intalnit fiind morcovul.

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