Engleza, întrebare adresată de Agaraste, 9 ani în urmă

informatii broasca testoasa in limba engleza

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Răspuns de sirghimihaela
Turtle is a cute creature that bears his "house" in back; actually is a method of defense. When the frog feels in danger raise their limbs and head under the "armor" impenetrable bone, thus predator will be very difficult or impossible to hurt or eat. The same defense is very effective, but even turtle has natural predators, large predators who manage to break the hard shell of the turtle using jaw. The best example is the white shark, but he seriously struggling against an adult specimen, so after several attempts loser leave and seek easier prey, but if a shark is very hungry rips smoothly. Turtles are well known for their longevity comes from very slow metabolism and the sensational ability to save energy, so it moves very slowly. Turtles are very popular among breeders of exotic animals beginners because they are easy to maintain, inexpensive and does not require too large spatula. Next, I will present all the information you need to grow and reproduce turtles:

sirghimihaela: e bun?
Agaraste: da, multumesc
Răspuns de iulicuita14
Frog is the name of several amphibian tetrapods animals, Class frogs, the tail when adult (amphibian), with longer hind legs adapted for jumping, wide mouth and eyes bulging. Larval form, gills and fins, a tail showing the metamorphosis that disappears is called tadpole.
Frog legs both adult lives in water (where houses and reproduce) and land (where it feeds). The tip of the snout nostrils close when in water. Frogs are multiplied by eggs, which, having no shell, are deposited in water.
Adult frog feeds on caterpillars, slugs, snails small adult insects, earthworms: everything that moves on land and is small enough to enter her mouth. Grab it and jumping on prey approaching and sticking a tongue, protractilă. Tadpole is omnivorous and feeds chewing algae, dead insects, fish, eggs death, and in case of famine, tadpoles can devour each resorting to cannibalism, the greatest attacking the younger, accelerated metamorphosis and managing to perpetuate the species.
Frogs and tadpoles are very sensitive to their pollution, viruses and diseases caused by fungi (molds water). Their presence indicates the existence of a biological balance in the ecosystem, even if it contains macro-waste (scrap and other waste
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