informatii despre cele sapte minuni ale lumii antice in fie informatia in engleza si tradus in romina.
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The great pyramid of Giza is the only wonder of the ancient world that still exists today. (Marea piramida din Giza este singura minune a lumii antice care exista si in ziua de azi.)
The reason why the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was built remains a mystery. (Motivul pentru care gradinile din Babylon au fost construite ramane un mister.)
The Temple of Artemis was a greek temple dedicated to the greek goddess Artemis. (Templul lui Artemis a fost un templu grecesc dedicat zeitei Artemis.)
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was disassembled and reassembled at Constantinople, later being destroyed by a fire. (Statuia lui Zeus la Olympia a for dezmembrata si reasamblata la Constantinopol, fiind distrusa de un incendiu un pic mai tarziu.)
The Tomb of Mausolus was a tob built for a satrap in the Persian empire and Artemisia II of Caria, who was both his wife and his sister. (Mormantul lui Mausolus a fost un mormant construit pentru un conducator din imperiul persan si pentru Artemisia II din Caria, care a fost sotia dar si sora lui.)
The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue built for the titan-god of the sun Helios. (Colosul din Rodos a fost o statuie construita pentru zeul soarelui Helios.)
After Alexander the Great died of a fever at the age of 32, the Lighthouse of Alexandria's construction was continued by the first Ptolemy in the year 305 BC. (Dupa ce Alexandru cel Mare a murit din cauza unei febre la varsta de 32 de ani, constructia Farului din Alexandria a fost continuata de primul Ptolemy in anul 305 inainte de Hristos.)
The reason why the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was built remains a mystery. (Motivul pentru care gradinile din Babylon au fost construite ramane un mister.)
The Temple of Artemis was a greek temple dedicated to the greek goddess Artemis. (Templul lui Artemis a fost un templu grecesc dedicat zeitei Artemis.)
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was disassembled and reassembled at Constantinople, later being destroyed by a fire. (Statuia lui Zeus la Olympia a for dezmembrata si reasamblata la Constantinopol, fiind distrusa de un incendiu un pic mai tarziu.)
The Tomb of Mausolus was a tob built for a satrap in the Persian empire and Artemisia II of Caria, who was both his wife and his sister. (Mormantul lui Mausolus a fost un mormant construit pentru un conducator din imperiul persan si pentru Artemisia II din Caria, care a fost sotia dar si sora lui.)
The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue built for the titan-god of the sun Helios. (Colosul din Rodos a fost o statuie construita pentru zeul soarelui Helios.)
After Alexander the Great died of a fever at the age of 32, the Lighthouse of Alexandria's construction was continued by the first Ptolemy in the year 305 BC. (Dupa ce Alexandru cel Mare a murit din cauza unei febre la varsta de 32 de ani, constructia Farului din Alexandria a fost continuata de primul Ptolemy in anul 305 inainte de Hristos.)
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