Informații despre emausaurus în engleza
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Emausaurus was probably a semibipedal to quadrupedal animal, being covered in an armor of osteoderms across the body. Like other thyreorphora, it probably was an herbivore, specifically a low dwelling one, with a diet associated with ground flora, such as Cycads and Bennnetitales. The body length of the holotype of Emausaurus has been estimated at around 2.5 m, with a weight of 70–90 kg. This was based on a juvenile individual though; adult length has been estimated at three to four metres, with a weight up to 240 kg. Yet some recent data suggest the holotype can be from a subadult rather than a juvenile. Most of the reconstruction has been based on Scelidosaurus, although it is possible that Emausaurus was a more bipedal animal, as some of the young specimens of Scelidosaurus were thought to be. Adult forms probably were more quadrupedal, hovewer, the type specimen is too incomplete to infer a mode of locomotion. Armor includes three conical scutes and one tall, spiny element.