Engleza, întrebare adresată de lucian87, 8 ani în urmă

Insert the correct articles where necessary. Write the answers into your notebooks.
a) Jenny is wearing... nice dress today. I like ... dress.
b)lam going to ... supermarket to buy some bread.
c) We are planning to go to ... London ... next summer.
d)... car over there belongs to ... Smiths.
e) A: Let's go to ... theatre this evening.
B: That's ... good idea.
f) Can you turn on... radio, please? I want to listen to some... music.
g) We live in... old house near... bank. It's ... two miles from ... center.
h) Peter and Mary have... two children,... boy and ... girl.... boy is... seven years old and... girl is​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mikig89


a) a, the; b) the; c) to, on d)the, the e) the, a f) the g) an, the, at, the h) the, one, one, the, the


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