Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Insert the correct form of the verb.
1.................he eat any  meat on Fridays?
2 I like noodles,................. you?
3.................. they help their mum with the housework?
4 Mary never .......................her homework on time.
5....................... the kids love Mozart?Their parents................. .
6.......................Santa exist?
7....................... you enjoy playing cardss?
8 I my best whenever I can.
9Joan ..................... her job well.What about you?.......................you work enough?
10 Paul never ..................... what he has to.
11...............your back ache?.....................you feel any pain?
12..............you thinkit"s time for us to leave?
13..............the Easter bunny bring the eggs?
14..............all birds leave in autumn for warm countries?
15.............. your aunt cook well?.................you like her dishes?
16Joe ................. well in school,but.....................Sue,too?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Simii
1. Did
 2. Do
3. Did
4. Does
5. Do 
. 6. Does
 7. Do
8. I do ...
9. is doing ; do
 10. does
11. Did ; do
12. do
13. did
14. do
15 does;do
16 . is doing ; does
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