Biologie, întrebare adresată de Margutz, 8 ani în urmă

Invent a new sport and explain the rules and everything you need to know about it.

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Răspuns de stefanlupu2121


Teams of 2,3 or 4 players take turn by playing defence or offensive position. If you are on the offence your job is to throw the whiffle ball at the cans at the opposite end and try to knock them down. If the defensive team hits the whiffle ball you must retrieve it or your partner and try knock the cans down before the defensive players (both) place their paddle in the safe base.

But if the whiffle ball is caught in the air by the offence player defensive player is out.

It’s up to the defensive players to run from safe base to safe base to score runs 1 cycle 1 run or more at any time the offensive catches whiffle ball or knocks down the cans before you're both safe you’re out and teams switch positions.

When using 3 or 4 players those players become roving fielders.

Sport Rules


To protect the cans with paddle, no body parts can block the cans

paddle must be used to strike the whiffle ball

upon hitting the whiffle ball defensive player must run to opposite ends placing the paddle in the safe base, this can done multiple times off one hit

if the offensive player knocks the cans over before both defensive players are in the safe base you’re out

flyball caught you’re out

tic fowl off the paddle caught you’re out

if the defensive player knocks over accidently you’re out


To throw a whiffle ball at a set of 3 cans (stacked in a pyramid) and (protected by defence) and knock them over

foul line are the cans; you must be behind the foul line when throwing whiffle ball

must use the whiffle ball to knock cans over

you can throw overhand or under hand

you can bounce the whiffle off the surface

note: there are no rules regarding set-up distance of the cans. Distance between cans should be based on the skill level of players.

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