Engleza, întrebare adresată de Bibi525, 10 ani în urmă

Invent your own superhero.You can use a combination of a human and an animal or an insect .Write about what your superhero can do.
Compunerea trebuie sa fie in engleza.
Am nevoie urgent

MVRAlecs: Ce combinatie? Intre om si ce animal vrei?
Bibi525: nu conteaza

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ColdRock
My superhero is called TigerMan. He is an incredible combination of half a dangerous tiger and half a powerful human. He is a crime-fighter and he is totally against drug dealers and thieves. As his superpowers, he can call a small group of wild animals and attack the criminal and he can also use his sharpened claws in order to cut through obstacles. As his clothing, he likes to dress with a red shirt, blue jeans and a kevlar vest, for bullets, with a small black fedora. On his arms he equips a black titanium armor.

ColdRock: Nush daca e bun dar totusi e ceva...
ColdRock: Si app daca poti sa dai si coronita ca cam am nevoie. Mersi oricum
ColdRock: Mersi
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