Engleza, întrebare adresată de stoianmariocatalin, 8 ani în urmă

is that Paul over there?
Paul? Where?
He's sitting on that bench, feeding the birds,
is that really him? He isn't wearing his usual
shirt and ripped jeans today. He's got his
suit and bow tie on
Yes, he's meeting an important client for lunch
Well, he looks uncomfortable and hot in those
dothes. The wind is blowing, but it's warm
outside. The temperature is 15°C today
I think you're night. Let's get him an ice

Traducere va rogg în Romana​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stefan0227


Acela de acolo este Paul?


Sta pe acea banca,hranind pasarile,este oare chiar el?El nu poarta camasa sa obisnuita si blugii rupti astazi. El are costumul sau si papionul legat.

Da,el intalneste un client important astazi la pranz.

Bine,el arata inconfortabil si infierbantat in acei pantaloni. Vantul bate, dar este cald afara. Temperatura e de 15°C astazi, cred ca ai dreptate.Haide sa-i luam o inghetata!

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