Engleza, întrebare adresată de Doinitaverde2007, 8 ani în urmă

is there a special room in your house\flat or in your grandparents ...house? Write 8 sentences about it
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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Slliner

Yes there is. It is in my grandma's house. It is a big room that has something very interesting in it. It is her book collection. She has been collecting books for over 50 years. There is more than 200 books in that room. That is a very beautiful achievement to make in your life. I wish I had that many books. And my grandma let's me read some of the books that are in there. My favorite being " Plum ", it is a artistic story.

Doinitaverde2007: Multumesc mult,♥✍✍
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